Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The need to belong

When Mr.Verboomen came in to talk to us, I was surprised at how easy it was to get in trouble over text. Even if you mean it as a joke. People are really serious about it. When you do it towards your friends I think they know that you do it as a joke but people who are not your friends they may think that you are being more serious. I dont feel like I'm mean toward people at KHS, but i can help stop other people being bullied by doing things when I see it. Even though I don't think I will help right away.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Beauty is in the eyes if the beholder-Twlight Zone

When we watched the video in class about Mrs.Tyler and how she had to a bandage on her face because she wanted to be like everyone else and become pretty. She just wanted to fit in with society like we all want to do. She just wanted to do things that normal people got to do like sit in the gardain and smell the flowers. When they were taking off the bandage and they weren't showing anyone face I started to wonder if she wasy  the really pretty one and the doctors and nurses were the the ugly ones. It wasn't until the end of the movie that i got what they were trying to say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. When I saw Mrs.Tyler's face i thought she was really pretty and that everyone else was creepy and gross looking. But to everyone else that was consider pretty. So it doesn't really matter what you look like as long as you can accept what you look like.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stanford Prison Study

When we watched the Stanford Prison Study in class. 819,8612,416 were the prisoners that stood out the most to me. Prisoner 819, didn't exercised, missed the 8am count, put in the hole and didn't want to talk to the priest at first. But he finally did and broke down crying and was finally released a quit. Prisoner 8612, He wanted to leave right away but they wouldn't let him so he decided to become a crazy less than 36 hours into the experiment he was released. 416 didn't eat went on a hunger strike and dominated the prison. Because he didn't want to eat his sausages. When we did the experiment in class I  was the mean girl and the class clown. Both rolls i know I couldnt play because if i'm going to be mean to someone i'm not going to do it to their face during class and I diden't know how to act the class clown part. It was defently something I'm not use do doing.