Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

I have been having a lot of dreams about me on prom night in a pink prom dress. It was just a  wonderful night overall in my dreams. It was like a Cinderella movie a fairy tale kind of night. But when I think about going to prom now I think of it as more of a sad event than happy because it will be the last time that me and my friends are together at a dance. When i went to the Dream moods and dream forth website it says that its the end of  something. It also says that you could be getting ready for an upcoming prom. Both of the interpretations could be true because in a few months I know my mom and I will be getting ready to look for a dress and after prom night I do believe that its really the end of something because high school will almost be over after that. One of the dictionary's says that it could be fear but I don't really think that it would be fear because in my dream I remember being happy. A dream that I had just recently was being late for math class and my best friend didn't even wanna sit by me after I walked in late. I have never been late to math class in my entire life. I don't think that the interpretation of being late really fit me though because it says people do not support you and I know that my friends and family support me and it said things being tarty when usually I hand everything in on time.  Yeah i don't make decisions right away like it said but I don't do that all the time. The last dream that I remember was when this guy that i used to like didn't text me in a really long time and I had a dream that he texted me and when I woke up from my dream I went to my phone right away and looked at my texts and realized that I didn't have any texts from him. Texts didn't come up so i did a search for message and it said your communication might not be as close and that's true because we didn't talk that much and on the last website under text it said it represents your connection with others and it may be romance. Well I liked him so that would be the romance part but the connection would be because you take time to talk to someone.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Case Study: Little Albert

1. Yes the results of Watson and Rayner did support the hypothesis because Albert. Because the noise the unconditioned stimulus. brought about a naturally unconditioned response fear. In the hypothesis is said the object in time may arouse the same emotional reaction as the former object.

2. Albert's fear response generalized to include the rabbit and all white furry objects he was shown.

3.Jones helped Peter eliminate his fear by pairing the feared object with pleasant experiences, such as eating ice cream or receiving special attention.